The Plan is Now


I encourage all Socialists and leftest to spread the message of freedom. Anonymous is not a group it is an idea. That idea is being manifested in reality. You can watch a revolution occur from the bench or you can participate in the greatest revolution to ever take place. This is the evolution of the human race to justice and peace. Revolution is inevitable as Karl Marx stated. Boycott Paypal and any request our comrades have around the world. Boycott those who are against freedom. Spread the message of this idea through Facebook, blogs, friends, art, graffiti, whatever method. Propagate! We are the majority. The corporations cannot win against the people. We want peace, justice, and equal distribution of wealth.

Marijuana legalization should be a socialist cause!

Some topics are very controversy and the issue of legalizing marijuana is one of those controversial topics.  It may seem strange that a socialist would say that marijuana legalization should be a socialist cause. Some may think this is the words of a youthful one who is irresponsible and just wants to get fucked up all the time. Many people do not take this issue seriously. The fact of the matter is that we have been lied about marijuana. Yes sure I would love for all of us to roll up joints and take bong rips, but that is not the main intent of marijuana legalization. It is not just that marijuana is now revealed to be a very healing and non harming herb, but the fact that the so called land of the free has been leading an unjust war on our freedom for many years now for the sake of profit for the ruling class.

Marijuana used to be a legal herb that was used in America for many medicines, agriculture, paper, clothing (from hemp), and many other such things. From thousands of years ago many cultures used cannabis or marijuana for healing, spirituality, and to make products such as writing paper (the Chinese first writing material was from hemp) (also the Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper).  In 1619 in Virginia’s Jamestown colony had a law that ordered people to grow marijuana.

The American  people were lied to when they were told of the so called evils of Marijuana. The whole propaganda machine of the far right and the ruling class fed into the minds and hearts of people that Cannabis was dangerous. They said it kills brains cells, causes cancer, and causes nigers and spics to rape white women. Now we know that Cannabis does not kill brain cells (it actually helps brain cell growth), it does not cause cancer, you cannot over dose and blacks and hispanics are not made to rape white women from ingesting it. There are a wide range of medical benefits for cannabis. Glaucoma is not just the only condition that Cannabis can help with. So the question is why were we lied to?

Well our great American presidents and the ruling class decided along with corporations that Marijuana/Cannabis was a threat to their profit making. Of course they get their profits from the surplus of the working class people in producing the money that is pocketed by the wealthy, but they want more profit so they take away the freedoms of the working people who create the wealth for the ruling class. The lumbar industry suffers under Marijuana legalization and so does the health care industry and other industries.  Think of all the money that is racked in by the health care industry to feed the bellies of the ruling class. Think of all the nasty side affects of the ‘legal’ drugs that the government condones. Then think of working class people growing Marijuana/Cannabis in their garden and getting medicine for free with limited side affects of having the munchies and having dry mouth. The health care industry has difficulty competing with this. So why not eliminate access to this herb that grows naturally from the Earth? This is what they did. The ruling class is ever clever to inflict policies that take away our freedoms for the sake of profit.

They have made a plant, an herb, that was revered by some cultures as the tree of life and some ancient civilizations even worshiped gods associated with Cannabis. All for the sake of profit for themselves and exploitation of the working class. So when a fellow socialist glares at the thought of another socialist bringing up marijuana, I can simply see that they have fallen into the propaganda of the ruling class. Socialist revolution is a fight for freedom and true democracy. Does not taking away peoples medicine, recreational relaxed use, and ability to make many products go against freedom and does it not show that we are slaves to the ruling class who only wish to exploit us for the sake of filling their pockets with our wealth?

I suggest that those who have not already seen the documentary film, “The Union” to watch it and educate yourself on how our government has lied straight to our face while enjoying their lavish luxuries with the wealth created by our hands.

Exploitation of the Working Class

Capitalism is a system of exploitation. The ruling class or the elite rule over the means of production and surplus created from the working class people. One finds that the Capitalists claim that they worked very hard for their money and that they deserve enormous tax breaks, because its ‘their money’. They want us the working people to be taxed heavily, while they enjoy that money. Did these men really work all that hard for their money?

How does the wealth get created that the rich have? Is it really money for the rich? In society we see that the surplus made from production of things (commodities) that are not for immediate consumption, but are for profit motive goes to the pocket of the ruling class. This is the capitalist class. But wait the rich own the factories and other such things that allow us to create this wealth. The question that may arise is who builds the buildings, makes the machinery, and other such things? It is none other than the working class. Look all around you. Look at the computers, the iron, pots, refrigerator, cars, everything. They are all made by the working people. They are given money in return for their labor which is usually minimal. The workers produce value which is the unpaid labor that goes into the pocket of the ruling class. The working class sweat and the ruling class stands there and says that they are the ones who work hard. They said if it were not for the rich we would have no jobs and that they are able to invest money etc.. The fact is that the money that they can make investments is produced by the working class.

In a socialist society the surplus from producing that which is necessary for life would be used to prepare for disasters, education, culture, health care, and other such things that are necessary for a whole some life. Just recently a man decided to rob a bank so that he could get health care service. Here is the link to the story:

This is truly sad, but there is no time for tears at this point. We need to act now. Not everyone will agree that Socialism is the best method, but can we not agree that  the wealth created for the ruling class is by none other than the working class? Can we agree that all the things around us are produced by the hands of working people? We deserve more than just better wages. We deserve a system that is designed in the interest of the majority.


Wiki leaks reveals US involvement with lowering minimum wage in Haiti


This is what capitalism causes. There is no patching up or putting a bandaid on capitalism. It has to be demantle and an alternative political economy needs to be implemented, a socialist one. How can we claim to be leaders of the free world when all we do is screw over other people which are the majority of the world (the poor and middle class).



Rick Scotts war on welfare and profit making off of the poor.


Okay Rick Scott, a Governor in Florida has done what he has planned before even taking office. Not only do welfare recipients have to take a drug test they will also have to pay for them. (Their on welfare you assholes).


“The new law, a version of which was struck down by a federal court in Michigan in 2003, requires recipients to pay for the tests before qualifying for benefits and periodically after they receive them.”


Rick Scott also owns some of Solantic clinics. Now this good ol’republican claims that he has given the titleship to his wife, but c’mon really? Is this not a conflict of interest?


“If you have a $62 million investment, representing the biggest single chunk of your $218 million in wealth, and you put it in a trust under your wife’s name, does that mean you’re no longer involved in the company?

Florida Gov. Rick Scott says it does.”

Is this what the modern day ‘revolutionary’ tea party can give to us? Just pieces of shit politicians who literally screw over the poor for the sake of profit.


Long live Communism









The US is after Libyan Oil


Chavez proposes talks for Libya in order to make peace instead of sending US marines into the area just so that the US can take oil.


Fight against the Koch Brothers

Our friends and comrades of Anonymous site ( have asked that we protest against the Koch brothers by boycotting their paper products. These two goons Charles and David Koch who are supporting the labor union busting of Governor Walker.  This is what our comrades at Anonymous have to say:

“In a world where corporate money has become the lifeblood of political influence, the labor unions are one of the few ways citizens have to fight against corporate greed,” the release added. “Anonymous cannot ignore the plight of the citizen-workers of Wisconsin, or the opportunity to fight for the people in America’s broken political system. For these reasons, we feel that the Koch brothers threaten the United States democratic system and, by extension, all freedom-loving individuals everywhere.”


and these are the products they ask us to boycott:


“In the US, those products were listed as Vanity Fair, Quilted Northern, Angel Soft, Sparkle, Brawney, Mardi Gras and Dixie. For Europe, they were Demak’Up, Kitten Soft, Lotus / Lotus Soft, Tenderly, Nouvelle Soft, Okay Kitchen Towels, Colhogar, Delica, Inversoft and Tutto.”

So let us join the ranks of the great revolutionaries at Anonymous and all revolutionaries around the world that want freedom and come together to boycott these products.

Socialism Can Uplift You

Many people may hear Socialist and Marxist ideas, but think of it simply as a pipe dream. The reality of the issue of Socialism is that it can and will work. We have seen that when it was implemented by Mao in China during the Cultural Revolution had raised the standard of living, education, health, and the economic structure grew. Women were given rights that were non-existence before. Unfortunately there was a counter revolution by the capitalist that toppled the new socialist system in that country. We see the deadly affects today in the sweatshops and other places in China that are suffering because a few greedy people wish to own the wealth and the means of producing them.

We can however leap far into the distance. This distance is the field of endless possibilities in Socialism. Through study of Socialism/Marxism we can educate ourselves on a system that can work. The main threat to socialism is counter revolution. So if the masses of people understand this, then they will be able to ward off any capitalist uprising if they remain true to their goals of a society run by the people.

We can devise programs that better our jobs. These jobs that we worked will no longer be burdensome. We will want to go to work because we will be part of that job. Our words will have weight in the operation of production. This means that I am to no longer be looked down on as someone without any ideas to contribute to the job. Michael Moore in Capitalism a Love Story shows a couple of factories in the US that are run by a Socialist view. I suggest you watch that film and see the significant difference between a factory run according to a socialist system and one that is ran in a capitalistic system. The goods that we produce will be for the people. What this means is that we will meet all of our needs and what the nation needs in order to survive and thrive. Not only this, but our production may be used to help others in distant countries instead of just profiting off of other peoples miseries. Now there wont be any cut throat competition. Many people from the far right claim that this means we will be lazy and not get things done. They say this because making profits will be eliminated. The problem with their argument is they are already shooting themselves in the foot. Right now the working class people barely make enough to survive and yet they work hard even though they are getting paid bread crumbs. In a socialist society these people will be taken care of and will work to further help the needs of society as a whole. This means we can better each and all of our conditions. We can vote to see how we want to improve other conditions in work or education or whatever it may be.

Our education system can be flourishing. Kids in the classroom can have a say and share their views. Kids will no longer fear going to school. The education system will work for the people. The staff of the education system will have a say in how things are done. We will make sure that what we learn is actually fact and not some of the fiction that is taught in our schools today. We see previously some years back, Hugo Chavez the so called ‘Hitler’ wanted to pass legislation in Venezuela to have free education for everyone. These are some great ideas that are used in some European countries. In these countries you see that they use some socialist aspects. What would be even better is for them to transition into a full socialist state and thus manifest a communist state.

Our health care system would be greatly improved. We wont have to deal with people trying to profit off of our illnesses and our debt when we cannot afford medicine. A lot of people in this country cannot afford their medicine and thus go without. The far right argues that those places in which socialist health care exist has doctors that are not well trained. This is 100% bullshit. Many people in Denmark, France, Canada, Cuba, and elsewhere benefit immensely from great doctors. The health care in Cuba itself is growing huge. Not huge in terms of profits from exploiting sick poor people, but growing huge as in demonstrating an advance in knowledge and understanding of the medical field. The health care system will be run by the people and for the people. This is a tremendous virtue for civilization.

Our military would not be used for imperialism and raping and pillaging of other nations resources. Right now we take up 35% of the resources as in this is all done by the US. We will not need to bomb innocent people for their oil or place dictators in other countries like Egypt and elsewhere so that we can make a profit for the all ready filthy rich. Once again my man Hugo Chavez wanted to pass a bill that would make the military of his country be used in defense only and not for imperialism.

A new society can be realized. We need to only unite as masses. All blacks, whites, Chinese, hispanic, and other types need to rise up together in unison. We need to protest and demand not a change of politicians, but a change in the system itself. We need to take to the streets like Tunisia, Venezuela, Egypt, and other nations currently struggling and demand a regime change and government change. We need to demand that we be put in charge of the nation and not the select few of racist filthy rich people. The future is ours and it can only be realized in this moment right now. So lets stop being naive and thinking that the Democrats will help us or the Republicans and instead abolish these parties and raise up a non-capitalist party of Socialist that will lead the country to work for the people and by the people.


Long Live Socialism

A great documentary on Socialist uprising in Latin America

South of the Border by Oliver Stone is one of my favorite documentaries. Check out the trailer


Socialism a brief discussion

What is Socialism? We hear this term all the time in mainstream media mainly from far right republicans. Socialism has been demonized by the Capitalist international rulers. We see the affects even to this day when we hear the word Socialism. Some words that come to mind when we hear about socialism is dictatorship, removing of our rights, and murder. Of course this is what they wish to present to you, but is it really the reality?

If that is not the reality, then why do they frequently demonize Socialism and Marxism? The reason for all the hatred toward Socialism is because Socialism/Marxism is the alternative to Capitalism. The capitalist class do not like any alternative to capitalism. This is a threat to their well being. But what is capitalism? Capitalism is a system in which the means of production are in the hands of a select few who are the rich. They own labor production and the people who are part of the production. That is they own human labor. If a rich person were to buy a slave and the slave turned out to be useless, the owner would likely lose out on the investment and would lose the money that was put into purchasing the slave. If the rich person owns the labor production of humans then the rich can hire us and when their investment is going in the wrong direction they can fire us.  We the middle class and poor have to get jobs that are owned by this small percent of people, because they own our lives and our deaths. This may be a strange idea, but it is indeed the truth. Think about this: We need food to live, shelter, and income to get our basic necessities. The food industry, housing,apartments, and other necessities such as even water are owned by the upper class of people. This forces us to work for them, which they also own the labor factories, machinery, and other things that we use in our labor efforts to produce goods. They are in charge of the surplus that occurs from our own labor. That means they can decide what to do with the profit. They will keep some to themselves and maybe give a little to extend the business.

A system like capitalism is a system of exploitation. We are not slaves in terms of having absolutely no freedoms, but we are slaves as in wage slaves who must follow the whims of the upper class. Under this capitalist system many people around the world are affected. It is mainly the middle and poor class of each country. That is why there is sweat shops in Mexico, China, and other places. Capitalism breeds wars such as the War in Iraq for Oil and imperialist control. Imperialism is Corporations and other such big business that buy up the world and its resources. Kids are starving all around the world even in this country due to Capitalism. All the while the little pawns that is the ‘little people’ of the middle class and poor fight over supporting the right or the left. But in reality neither the republicans nor the democrats really give a shit about the common folk. Even democrats that seem better than republicans always seem to cave in to Wall Street. What we need is to go further left. When we go further left we break the shackles of Capitalism.

We now turn to Socialism. This is a system in which people that is the masses are in control of the means of production. There is common ownership amongst the masses. This is a true democracy in which the people rule the nation. The state controls everything and that state is ruled and implemented by the masses. Therefore the means of production and the goods produce will be under the direction and decision of the masses and in the interest of the masses instead of the interest of just a select few billionaires. Socialism is a path of overthrowing the existing ruling class and replacing it with a proletarian dictatorship. This means the masses replace the ruling class and then become a dictatorship over the rich. Now this is not the end result, because there will still be exploitation. In this case there is class division still. So socialism will then guide its way to Communism. Communism is the extinction of all classes. That means the proletarian will cease to exist and the rich class and instead there will be a classless society in which runs by the entirety of the nation. That means everyone black, white, gay, straight, or whatever has a say in the matter of ruling the nation.

This is what we need to turn to in these times. If we turn off mainstream media and look at other outlets in Europe and other places we will see that Socialism is on the rise in many places. We see revolution happening in the middle east. Is it not time for us to stop the bullshit that is occuring in our nation? The time now is for a peaceful revolution into a Socialist society. We can be the ones to carry this out. We need to educate ourselves on the truths of Capitalism and its exploitation and the truth of Socialism and how it can truly work.